Monday, January 14, 2019

A Great Story Was Reduced To Contrivance, On 'SVU', Last Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I am telling you, Baby Gojira and I were so excited last week, darlings.  "SVU' was about to take on the case of Grant Robicheaux and Cerissa Riley.  Now, whenever there is a criminal couple, the female gets all the fascination.  Case in point--Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.  Brady was unquestionably sick, but who was reviled, and still is, as the Most Hated Woman In Britain?????????  Myra Hindley.

                                 Now, Grant was a plastic surgeon with an alpha body and ego.  He had had a brief go on Reality TV, in 2013--with the looks and body to back it up--and success all the way.  But he and Cerissa took partying a bit further.  They craved three ways, but the catch was the third party had to be non-consensual, because they both got off on control.  They were a pair of serial rapists, who, in 2016, perpetrated these sex crimes upon several unsuspecting women, whom they would meet up at parties, and select them as victims for that night.

                                  These two should be looking a lengthy prison terms.  But that Cerissa.  What makes a woman do harm to another woman?  That is what I hoped the 'SVU' episode would examine.

In the highly sanitized 'SVU' episode, "Plastic" plastic TV surgeon, the couple are Dr. Heath Baron, played by noteworthy guest star, Mark Feuerrstein, late of the sitcom "Royal Pains," and his girlfriend, Sadie Parker, who, get this girls, runs a designer cupcake shop o the Upper East Side. Charming, huh? They are sexual predators who prey for control and dominance, and one of their victims, Ava Parcell (guest star Willa Fitzgerald) comes forward to explain she was raped by a couple, whom with the aid of photos, she identifies as Heath and Sadie.

What I wanted from here was some insight into why someone like Sadie would go along with something so evil and sadistic.  Not that she will ever top Myra Hindley, but why is it the woman who comes off as more evil?  Because they violate their conventional roles?  Definitely.  But what makes them want to?  In the case of Sadie, and Myra, I am sure it was more than the influence of a man.  That can wear fast, honey, and even Brady was tiring of Myra at the end, trying to recruit brother-in-law, David Smith, which screwed them, and Heath comes dragging women into bed even more beautiful than Sadie.

Sadie is one cold thing, until the major contrivance comes in,   When Heath was in medical school, he rented a house nearby, and there may have been other victims there.  A photo is found of a fourteen-year-old girl named Ceci Taylor, the daughter of veteran guest star Kevin O'Rourke, in a nice, sympathetic performance.  She had run away fourteen years before, and he still has not given up hope.  The team go to search the house, find some wall paneling that is not there, and, lo and behold, a dead body emerges.  Is it Ceci? Who?????????????

Heath Baron's goose is cooked.  He is going off to prison, but, unfortunately, we don't seeing him getting slapped or treated the way he deserves.  As I said, this episode, was highly sanitized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The big scene, of course, takes place with Olivia.  The contrivance is she breaks Sadie down, only to discover that she is actually the missing Ceci Taylor.  She was abducted by a girl named Moira from a park in Brooklyn, when she was 14, and taken to Heath's lake house, which she thought of as fun.   The next day, Moira was gone, Heath said she had gone home to her mother, but he was paneling a wall that did not need it.  At fourteen, Ceci could not catch on; eventually she did.

Ceci sees Daddy, cuts a deal, and Olivia gets her last shot of exasperation--"Never, in  my entire career...……."

What should have been penetrating and insightful wasn't.  The perps should have been more monstrous than they were allowed to portray, and they should have  been slapped across the interrogation room several times.  That is what you do with criminals as monstrous as these!

No insights, no trial, no convictions, nothing.

So, what was the point, in watching????????????

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