Thursday, January 10, 2019

A REAL Long Island Bitch, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What better locale for our Bitch Of The Week, than Long Island???????????????

                                Renee Burke, this week's winner, was in the midst of a custody dispute over their four year old son, and eight year old daughter.  Living in Holbrook, Long Island, Matthew had moved with his son to a nearby apartment.  Renee became fascinated with trying to get rid of him with antifreeze, and made a series of break ins to her husband's place, where she would pour antifreeze into his wine and sodas.  One time, her son saw her do this, and told the babysitter.

                                   Matthew took one sip, and spit it out.  I guess Renee did not mix well, because antifreeze is supposed to be colorless and tasteless.  Especially those who have succeeded in killing their spouses, this way. And there have been some.

                                     The poisonings took place between September1 and September 12, 2108.  She was caught, arrested, indicted.  She is now being held on $400K bond.

                                       She could face five to twenty five years in prison, and I hope she gets the twenty five!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I hope Matthew takes the kids and runs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       See, boys and girls, the Wicked Queen from "Snow White" really is out there!

                                        And most of them live on Long Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. He either has an incredibly sensitive palate, or got really lucky.

    Most people think antifreeze tastes like Sweet N Low. Thats how the murderously greedy Chinese factories got away with using antifreeze as a cheap "sweetener" in the toothpastes they were making for American brand name companies. And why antifreeze is so dangerous to store where young clueless children could get into it.


  2. Darling,

    Maybe, also, he had his wife's
    number. Meanwhile, where have
    you been, and are you all right?
