Thursday, January 31, 2019

Can You Believe One Twelfth Of 2019 Is Already Done???????????????????

                               And still the Winter drags on!  Actually, January seemed to drag on, for a time, but then, suddenly it sped up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               David and I toasted in the New Year, albeit will illness; he, a cold; mine, which went to the respiratory system and required medical attention.

                                 We recovered.  I got tickets--for us--for March 10, to "The Prom," in celebration of David's birthday, which was New Years Day.  We still have plans to go to Positano, later on, to celebrate the same.

                                   Our two year anniversaries of both our marriage and my retirement took place. We had fun.

                                     But, mostly, it was a month of being indoors, and reading.  One of my best experiences was "Clermont," an 18th Century Novel that is part of the Northanger Horrid Novels series.  I was transported to a romantic time, and felt as cozy as Jane Austen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It has been so cold, no one wants to go anywhere.

                                       But we made it to "The Wizard Of Oz."

                                       January is a strange month.  It is the birthday of my beloved, and, had I not been a preemie, it would have been my birth month, too.  The first part is adjusting to the letdown from the blast of the Holiday Season, and there is not much to do.

                                          But we got through it, once again, and I, for one, am glad I can leave it behind.

                                           It was pretty good to us, but changing years is always hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           See you in February, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  Lots happening, then!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. January is my birthday month as well


  2. Happy January birthday to you, Victoria!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thank You!!!
    2018 was a bit of a challenge; the passing of my brother in law and Casey, my nightmare daughter in law sinking to an all time low with her scheming, both sons deployed, and continuing to care for the three little children whose mother is dying of Huntington’s.
    By the Grace of God, 2019 Will be better


  4. Victoria,
    Same here. Last year my father died,
    later that year a close friend of
    David's--it was a lot. 2019 began
    with us both sick, but we have
    recovered, so I hope, too things
    only go up from here.
