Thursday, January 31, 2019

Darlings, If Gwyneth Paltrow Has Not Been Named Bitch Of The Week On Here, It Is Time She Was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I will grant you Gwyneth got a dollop--but just that of her mother's (Blythe Danner) good looks.  Too bad, she got none of her talent and class.

                                      I bet when she went to Spence, she was the meanest of the Mean Girls there!

                                      And don't get me started on GOOP--which should be called CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      She is full of herself, and is Miss Entitlement.

                                       But that is not what makes her this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  This does--

                                      On February 20, 2016, Terry Sanderson, a retired optometrist, was skiing at Deer Valley,  So, too, was Gwyneth.  Skiing is, after all the sport of choice of spoiled princesses.  So, how come I don't ski, girls????????  I never had the interest or the inclination,  I was wired for brains, not athletics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The then 69-year old man was hit full speed by Paltrow, who landed on top of him, got up, and went her merry way, without a word of apology.   He, on the other hand, suffered a concussion, a brain injury, and four broken ribs.

                                       This is what wins Gwyneth this week award.  Not to check up on him, to see if he is OK?  Not to say she is sorry?

                                         Well now, there is a lawsuit pending. Terry Sanderson is suing Paltrow for $3.1 million, and, girls, I hope he extracts every cent from her.  I will be watching for this, and let you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Congratulations, Gwyneth!  You have now been officially named Bitch Of The Week, by The Raving Queen.

                                            As Anne Baxter, as Eve, said to Celeste Holm, as Karen, when she was blackmailing her for the part of Cora--"I'm SO happy I can do something for you, at long last."

                                            Back at you,  Gwyneth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,

    She is a disgrace, and, of course, she denies it.
    But I don't believe it because of her self-involvement!
