Thursday, January 24, 2019

Girls, Curl Yourselves Up On A Divan, With A Tea Table, A Pot, And Cozy, Plus A Cup, And Whisk Yourselves Back, Into The Eighteneth Century!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           "Clermont," the second of the Northanger Horrid Novels, is a journey from which I have recently emerged, and I am not the same for it.  In a good way, that is.

                                             This is what Jane Austen and her girls read, back in the day, and were they right.  Haunted castles, mysterious figures silhouetted in cemeteries at night, dreadful family secrets that alter the course of human lives...with succulent language one can savor with pleasure, because each Gothic thrill is so perfectly drawn.

                                                To be sure, this is not a quick read.  But, if you go with it, the ride is worth it.  This is a must for Bronte lovers; I daresay those siblings must have read some of these.

                                                 And with the weather the way it has been--very windy, very "Wuthering Heights,"--it has just been the most perfect time to read such a text. With this type of literature, atmosphere is everything.

                                                  If this was considered "chick lit" in Austen's time, the authors then had a better, more literary grasp on the genre.  What passes for it today is crap.

                                                    Have your own tea party, girls.  Read "Clermont," or any of the other Northanger Horrid Novels, and discover the REAL thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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