Saturday, January 19, 2019

Was Mr. Edward Hyde Literature's First Schizophrenic? Or Just A Case Of Bad Hygiene?????????????????

                                         I would have to go with the latter, girls.  Notice how closely Stevenson's story, published in 1886, and Oscar Wilde's "The Picture Of Dorian Grey, published just four years later, in 1890, resemble each other.  In Stevenson's tale, the distorted appearance is manifested externally; in Wilde's tale, it is confined to the disintegrating portrait, hidden in the attic!!!!!!!!!

                                         Dorian Grey had impeccable hygiene.  Mister Edward Hyde did not.  Which brings me to the point of discussion.  We all have our beauty regimes, girls, but not everyone takes the same approach.

                                           Some of us are Hollywood Princesses, and the bathroom is our palace, or, at least, our temple, so we can make us appear our best, seemingly taking forever to emerge from our palace of beauty.

                                             Other girls are wash n' go.  A quick dab here, a quick tuck there, and out they go! Always looking their best, yet breezing through the day, as though they haven't a care in the world!!!!!!!!!

                                              Next, there is drip dry.  These girls are a mess.  They think they are creating a fashion statement, they tell themselves that, but no one is fooled by them, believe me.

                                                Still, they are not as conspicuous as those who take Whores' Baths.  Besides working girls, gay guy one nighters excel at this, and to have to work with one can be embarrassing to all parties.  Remember, in the opening of "She Loves Me!," even the inexperienced errand boy, Arpad, knew Miss Ritter was wearing the same dress two days in a row!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Mr. Hyde does not fall into any of these categories.  He is the epitome of poor hygiene, and how not to look at a party.  Any self respecting spa, like Elizabeth Arden, would love to get their hands on him.

                                                    But they would have to wear gloves, in case he is diseased, which he probably is.
Here is something to aim for, girls!  Far superior to Mr. Hyde!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, girls, here are some examples!  First, Hollywood Princess. This is what I aspire to, each morning!!!!!!!!!   Only I know how successful, I am!
This is Wash N' Go. Breezy and carefree!
Here is drip dry. You definitely do NOT want to go here, darlings!!!!!!!!
And here is the unmentionable Whore's Bath!  None of my girls would go here, because we are at our freshest, already!  And, girls, it does not prevent crabbies!!!!!!!!!!

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