Saturday, January 26, 2019

With All The Pics To Be Found Online, Who Needs Color Swatches??????????????????????????

                                        When Spring comes along, it is said a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of...……..But if you are a gay man, darlings, thoughts turn immediately to home decorating ideas.  And just look at what I have picked out.

                                           These orange walls would be perfect for our foyer. With the notable exception that all walls therein, including the ceiling, be orange.  We want to create a breathtaking effect for our guests, as they enter.
Now, for the living room, I want adult chairs, but I also want to create a Victorian nursery effect.  With two exceptions--the floor must be painted pink, and the walls, instead of stripes, must have the following pattern.
See!  Isn't that simply divine, dears???????????????

I suppose you must be wondering about the kitchen. How about this?
The yellow drawers are perfect, as is the red counter space.  However, the walls, curtains, ceiling and floor, should have this matching pattern--
I am telling you, this kitchen would be the talk of the town.  People would come just to take tours of it.  And what a challenge for the eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I bet Amy Sedaris would love it!!!!!!!!

As for the bathroom, what else would be better than flaming red?  Very Diana Vreeland, loves!!!!!!!
Though maybe the floor, tub, and other areas should be red.  Completely encased in luxurious red, darlings!  Fit for a queen !!!!!!!!!!!  Or Lee Radziwill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, the piece de resistance--the bedroom.  What else but a gorgeous creamy pink, with patterned
 walls with a pink background.  Only one thing is missing, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  What could that be????????
This--a ceiling encased in sky blue, with fluffy white clouds.  Very tranquilizing, as one tries to drift off to sleep, or awaken for the morning.  And VERY Tennessee Williams and "Summer And Smoke!"
We will feel just like Miss Alma, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, those are my ideas.  Let me hear of yours, and by year's end, I will let you know, which, if any turned out to be fully realized.

Don't let Winter dampen your spirits, darlings!   Look ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am voting TWICE for that fabulous orange foyer!!! And a rousing round of apaise for the sunshine yellow and red kitchen with perfect black polka dot eye catchers!!! I would come for dinner 3 tines a week!
    As for the blue sky and full white fluffy cloud cielings - let me know where and when to bring my brushes!!! I did this in a dark, depressing bathroom once and it made me feel like I was showering in the happiness of a sunny day!!
    I say YES to all of this!! Yes, yes YES!!! And I am ready at a moments notoce to assist! Have brushes and marking tape - will travel!!!
    Just knock 3 know where to find me!! (Super Brian need not apply)

    Your best neighbor.

  2. Our bathroom has the original pink and back tile from the 1950s.
    It’s pretty neat.


  3. RedHeadNextDoor,

    Aren't these fabulous? If
    only I can talk David into
    them. He read the post, but
    did not have much to say!


  4. Victoria,

    The very first apartment I lived in had
    pink tile, too. I just loved it!!!!!!!!!!!
