Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Bauble That Needs To Be Polished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Having grown up listening to Carol Burnett, on the Original Cast Album of "Once Upon A Mattress," I had always wanted to see the show, even if only to hear, live, its two most famous songs, "Shy," and "Happily Ever After."

                                     Looking at it today, knowing it was written by Richard Rodgers' daughter, Mary--her one real hit!--and that her father's partner, Oscar Hammerstein, mentored a young Stephen Sondheim, one can almost see a foreshadowing of "Into The Woods."

                                      Alas, while this 'Mattress' hits all the right notes--an outstanding Princess Winifred, a Queen with a show stealing dress, and a bevy of voices who can sing this Fifties musical to the rafters, the choreography and pacing slow it down a bit.  It just did not seem tight enough, and this may very well be because the show is still getting on its feet; it opened last Friday, and I caught the
Sunday matinee.

                                      Most know the story--one of Hans Christian Andersen's lightest--"The Princess And The Pea."  But filtered by Rodgers and the book writers into a Fifties period comic concoction that is fun to watch, while hearkening back to an age of musical theater many of us in the audience long for.

                                       The Gallery Players' first offering, this season, "A Chorus Line," was so professionally done it could have moved across the river.  This 'Mattress' reeks of too much community theater, especially in the rather makeshift sets.  If you are going to do one show right, why not do them all that way?????????????????????

                                        My advice is to give this show time to get on its feet.  I have a feeling by the time the run ends, on March 17, it will have tightened up quite a bit.

                                          Besides, how else does one get a chance to see shows like this, as they are not revived, anymore?  Oh, yes, I know about the one with Sarah Jessica Parker, but forget that!  Now, even she is starting a fashion line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            There is nothing here that cannot be fixed, and what is solid is delightful. Give yourself a chance, and see this production of "Once Upon A Mattress," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Because both princesses and musical theater seem to be becoming endangered species!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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