Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Compelling, But Uncertain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       This book made "The New York Times 100 Best Noted Books List Of 2018."  That was enough to have me consider reading it, but when Michelle Obama endorsed it, I was there;  I figured she was just doing her Oprah bit, but then Oprah herself had to get in there--I mean, God forbid, she should be upstaged by even the nation's former First Lady!!!!!!!  And classy, too!  Michelle, I mean, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Nevertheless this book reads at a breakneck pace. It raises issues that make the reader think; for instance I did not like how Celestial and Andre behaved when Roy was imprisoned.  I had pegged Celestial as some cold hearted bitch, but when things wrapped up I thought differently.

                                            The novel examines not only marriage but how blacks are treated within and outside their own community.  Perfect reading for Black History Month, but this would be worth it any time of year.

                                              One is free to disagree or agree with the situations and outcome.  The characters of the parental figures are equally as strong as their offspring.  The novel rests on Jones' concise writing, objectivity, and allowing readers to think for themselves.

                                                It went in directions I never expected, and that is really satisfying!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Tayari Jones has said she learned a lot from Toni Morrison, another Oprah favorite!


  2. Victoria,
    I can see the Toni Morrison
    influence, but Morrison's prose
    can sometimes be dense. Jones'
    is more accessible. But well
