Thursday, February 28, 2019

Girls, Did You See Amy Sedaris' Hat Show, Tuesday Night???????????????????????????

                                              As always, with Amy, she was both entertaining and informative.

                                              Her igloo hat was a masterwork of design.  I would love to see a millinery shop, run by Amy. It would be the most engaging store of its kind, since Minnie Fay's in
Hello, Dolly!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                But Amy touched on something important, and that was craft block, which she seemed to be suffering from.  Now, I am no crafter, but I do, occasionally suffer from writers' block.  If I don't post on here for awhile, that is usually the reason.  The others might be travel, doctors' appointments, or illness.

                                                   I want to write.  I feel I have to put something down every day.  But it is hard, because the really quirky ideas, like Mr. Hyde being the first schizophrenic,  just come out of nowhere.  To be sure, books, movies and shows are covered here.  But the really ingenious things are from my bizarre mind.  And sometimes it is not so bizarre.  For instance, I have not seen any TV commercial of late, that annoy me.  Those I wrote about were wisely taken off the air, but where is the new batch??????????

                                                   So, I got what Amy was talking about.  And it was great seeing Chassie and Patty Hogg!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      But what is Nutmeg up to?????????????

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