Thursday, February 28, 2019

Here Is Jack, Showing Us How To Wash His Hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I have been looking for Jack, for a long time.  You see, when I was a child, I had this book called "The American Health Series," where Jack and his sister, Dorothy, showed how to maintain good health.  Jack was the youngest kid I had seen wear suspenders--which I, at my advanced age, do now.  Dorothy, dressed like an over aged Shirley Temple, had the shortest dresses you can imagine; she would not be allowed in a school today.

                                  Their Aunt May would come and give them big sugar cookies, because their mother would load them down with vegetable salads, especially when they had lunch in town.. Which was a big deal for them, because they were distinctly middle class,  They never went on vacation, Day trips, yes, but this gang was far from the Jet Set.  You can see from this picture Jack is never going to grow up to know what Fire Island is.  He will live next door to Dorothy in the same town, and raise their families together.

                                     Which is kind of how I thought things would turn out for me, which is why I found this book, while campy now, so comforting, then.

                                      Of course, had things turned out that way, I might have been in an asylum, all this time!

                                       Which proves that not getting what you think you want is often the best gift of all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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