Saturday, February 2, 2019

Liane Moriarty Does It Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The first thing to be said about "Truly Madly Guilty" is it has nothing to do with the 1990 film, "Truly, Madly, Deeply."  The second thing is discussing this is difficult because there are several huge reveals in this book, and working one's way toward them is part of the fun of reading the book.

                                         And, let me caution you, until the first reveal, I was not so sure.  Moriarty starts her tale of a set of married couples, whose lives are altered by one afternoon barbecue, on a slow note, teasing the reader as it goes along, for the first one hundred pages or so.  I was just beginning to tire of this, wondering if I had made a mistake, when BAM!  Up pops the first reveal, which made my jaw drop--and, for those who have read it, my reaction was the same as Clementine's--and then the novel is off to the races.   And does not stop till the final sentence, which is as gentle and soothing as a child's bedtime story.

                                         What "Truly Madly Guilty" revealed to me was that, while Moriarty may not be a literary world beater--she is no Donna Tartt, darlings!!!!!!!!--she is, nevertheless, a master manipulator of narration, and one who lays out her plot plans--story and characters--as carefully as a detective working a murder case.  This is her special skill, which is why, though each story may be different, you know one of her books is going to take one on a thrilling ride.

                                           A ride I urge all readers of surprise, suspense fiction to take.

                                           The only guilt one should feel about the book is passing up the opportunity to read it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Something to do in between periodic screenings of "The Women," and planning one's Spring wardrobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wasn’t theAlan Rickman character in Truly Madly Deeply a cello player?


  2. Victoria,

    You are absolutely right! He was!
    Cannot believe that movie is 29
    years old!
