Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lunch At Sarabeth's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            David and I started our Valentine's Day celebration a day early.  You see, he had to go to a doctor on the Upper East Side, near one of my favorite book stores, The Corner Bookstore, on East 93rd Street, where I finally found the novels "Big Bang," by David Bowman, and "Lost Children Archive," by Valeria Luiselli.  I simply cannot WAIT to read them.

                                            Nevertheless, we decided to make a day of it, by dining for lunch, at Sarabeth's.  Just like girlfriends...with hats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Yes, I was one of the ladies who lunch!  I had a classic New England Club sandwich, with the best potato chips; they seemed homemade.  David had a bowl of butternut squash soup, which was different from what both of us expected, but his hamburger and fries made up for it.  Capped off by scrumptious cheesecake desert, with decaf coffee for me, and regular for David.

                                                  I have not had much fun in a long time.  The decision was so sudden and impulsive, there was no time to notify the staff that I, The Raving Queen, would be coming. Which was why the service was just a tad shoddy.

                                                   Nevertheless, a wonderful pre-Valentine's Day celebration.  Do yours today, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Butternut squash soup tastes so much better when the quash is roasted, instead of boiled, before pureeing.


  2. Victoira,
    I have had and enjoyed butternut
    squash. This was different in color,
    texture and taste, from what I have'
    had. Did not seem to bother Davd,
    but I could never eat all of it.
