Monday, February 11, 2019

"On February 11, 1858.............."

                                     Yes, darlings, this is the day.  The 161st Anniversary Of The Apparition Of Our Lady Of Lourdes, to Bernadette Soubirous.  This picture suggests a period rendering of the event, chronicled so wonderfully in the film you all know about, thanks to me, darlings--"The Song Of Bernadette."

                                       Take some time to pause and reflect, today.  Think about what Bernadette did for Lourdes, for us all, including Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Here is the initial apparition, recreated on film.  Note the brilliance of all involved, including the cinematography and musical scoring.   You will cry your eyes out!

                                         And remember, darlings------


  1. John 20:31 But these things are written that you may Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have Life in His name...


  2. Victoria,
    Thanks for the words of inspiration.
    I do my best to be a good person.
