Monday, February 18, 2019

Where Do The Literary Set Hang Out Now? Would Someone Please Tell Me?????????????????

                                      Back in the day, at 56 Carmine Street, not far from the location pictured above, there was a restaurant called C'ent Anni. It was where all the literary set gathered, and, unfortunately I never made it to that spot. How, I don't know.  Like Elaine's, on the Upper East Side, both spots were seemingly there forever, then, one day, mysteriously gone.

                                       For a time, during the Brat Pack era, The Odeon seemed to be the hangout of choice, and now, while it is there, no one goes there anymore?  The question is, where do they go?  I wish someone would tell me, so I could quietly infiltrate the spot, and emerge with my own "Answered Prayers."  Hey, I am not Truman Capote.  What have I got to lose?

                                        There is a C'ent Anni on Franklin Street in Brooklyn.  I think the name is just borrowed, as I  had never heard of it before, and if the literary set flock there, I would well have known about it.

                                          So, if anyone out there can fill me in, please do.

                                           I am all set with a pen, and a notebook, and a drink.

                                           Even if that drink is decaf coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You always hear that today’s publishers/agents are all looking for a sure thing.
    It’s all about money I guess


  2. Victoria,
    I agree with you, though a sure
    thing is no guarantee. Where
    would American literature be,
    if risks had not been taken?
