Saturday, March 30, 2019

Do You Know The Defintion Of A Donut, Darlings????????????????????????????

                         This post is not only for all of you, my dear readers, but for my beloved David.

                          In just two weeks, he ate three donuts this month!  Three!

                          I have always liked donuts, since I was a kid, and am not adverse to eating them.  These days, I am lucky if I have one donut a year.  Donuts are just not on my food radar.

                           As for David, well that is it for him this year, concerning donuts.  One might be OK.
But three???????????????

                            Why am I so down on donuts?  Do you know the definition of a donut, dears?

                             I will tell you, right now!

                             A donut is a bullet to the heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            That is right, girls!  Even Baby Gojira, and Chloe agree with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Again, I am not saying one donut a year will hurt you.

                             But constant consumption is not good for anyone.  Except donut sellers!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Remember--A donut is a bullet to the heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Have a good day, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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