Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Girls, Did You See Amy's 15th Show Anniversary Last Night??????????????????

                               Darlings, it was so much fun.  Amy at her colorful best, with a plethora of guest stars, including a hilariously funny comic turn by Susan Sarandon!  Who would have thought she could do comedy?  Oh, I know she was in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," but that was 45 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The only one I was disappointed not to see was Nutmeg!  But Patty Hogg, her husband, Leslie, and Ronnie Vino, the wine lady, dropped by.  And Artemis, Ruth, and Esther, from the woods!!!!!!!!!!  I have never seen Esther more personable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The opening and closing featured a chorus of Amy regulars singing a rewritten version of "If They Could See Me Now," from "Sweet Charity!"  It was clever, and wonderful, but I was taken by surprised when the fellow on the right end turned out to be Cole Escola, who, in drag, plays Chassie Tucker!!!!!!!!!  Who phoned in her congrats to Amy, as she was in prison!  I could tell Cole was Chassie, when the camera zeroed in on his eyes, but. I have to say, he is better looking, as Chassie.

                                  A real man, who can pass as a woman!  And Amy's show was a real charmer, last night!  If you have a chance to see it, dolls, don't miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I want to be more like Amy.
    Where to begin....


  2. Victoria,

    So do I! I think it starts with
    that fabulous hair!

  3. Amy almost certainly cast Cole Escola based on his hilarious turn as the obnoxiously queeny Matthew in the criminally unappreciated "Difficult People". He was the perfect antagonist to Billy Eichner, Julie Klausner and Andrea Martin.

    Sadly Hulu pulled the plug after just three seasons. The show got off to a bad start on social media when Beyonce's inexplicable legion of brownshirt nitwit worshippers were infuriated by a plotline where Klausner quips ‘I can’t wait for Blue Ivy to be old enough so R. Kelly can piss on her.’” It never recovered from that stumble, made all the more ridiculous by the fact the entire point of the show was that everyone it in was an utterly despicable New Yorker. Basically "Seinfeld" if it was made today, only Jerry is gay and Elaine his hag, and Cole Escola was Newman.


  4. Darling,
    I had never heard of Cole Escola, or the show.
    I wish I had seen "Difficult People; I think
    I would have loved it.

    He is the best man, passing as a woman I
    have ever seen. I would be more interested
    in meeting Chassie than Cole! Brilliant!
