Saturday, March 2, 2019

Happy Centennial Birthday Of Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Girls, a century ago today, Jennifer Jones was born.  Of course, back then, she was Phyllis Isley.

                                             Twenty four years to the day, under her screen name she started filming her Oscar winning, role of a lifetime, "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                                The rest is history.

                                                 Watch a Jennifer Jones movie today, in remembrance of her beauty and talent.  That hair, and skin--everyone wanted to have it, back in the 1940's!!!!!!!!!  I wouldn't mind having it, myself!

                                                    A hundred years have passed, since your birth, but your legacy lives on, thanks to celluloid.

                                                   In that way, may you continue to shine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 💔I think today would have been Lee Radziwill’s birthday.


  2. Victoria,

    You are right. I wish I had

    How sad she died within two
    weeks of what would have been
    her 86th birthday!
