Saturday, March 16, 2019

It Has Been Awhile, Dears, But Here Is Another Annoying Commerical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Have you seen this disgusting Progressive ad, where this mother sits Jamie down in front of her two boys, as though he is to be a prospective stepfather?????????  I love it when the kid walks away, and screams, "You're not my Dad!"

                               First, Jamie is one of the most annoying TV commercial characters to come along for some time. I have posted about him before, but he still gets exposure.

                                 Who the hell is Jamie, anyway?  And why are they trying to convince an otherwise jaded audience that he is straight?  Remember the ad with his mother?  Or the one where Flo shows up, and he runs from her?  THAT is Jamie!  A great big, closet case!  Who do the advertisers think they are fooling with his houseful of kids, hot Mexican wife, and guitar, with a virile singing voice?????????????????

                                   Now, I know that Jim Cashman, who plays Jamie, is straight.  I am also happy for his gig, as it is netting him much needed money.  But let us be honest about the character he is playing.  Trying to butch this thing up would be like I denying my Queenship!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     It will never happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Mr. Cashman, find yourself a better gig!  Jamie is an embarrassment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The actors, I am genuinely happy for.
    The commercials, I hate them all.
    With the exception of the nightclub-singing box.
    That one has grown on me.


  2. Victoria,

    I guess I have not seen
    the nightclub one. It
    sounds cute.

    Yes, good for the actors,
    but the characters are annoying.

    But they must be working for the
    company, as they keep turning them out!

  3. Google “Progressive box Starlight Lounge”
    I kind of love it now
