Monday, March 25, 2019

Meet My New Friend, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Nicholas holds court at Apple Tree Natural Market, on 7613 Third Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.  Now, I am allergic to cats, but I never fail to give Nicholas an affectionate part or scratch under his chin or behind his ears.   He is very relaxed, and deigns to accept all the attention, but be aware, he is doing you a favor.  He is probably the store's silent partner.

                             Last month, Nicholas began sharing the back space with Paws Truly owner, Deidre Butler, and everyone's favorite canine, Seamus.  He has had some adjustment problems, but things seem to be looking up.

                              But Nicholas, for all his docility, has a wild thing going.  At the back, near Paws Truly, is a door, leading to the yard, adjoining the house behind it.  From there, emerges a feline fatale, known as Miss Kitty, who not only pursues Nicholas romantically--while he plays hard to get, with just a flick of his tail--but sneaks to the back bathroom, where Nicholas' food and litter box is kept.  She steals his food!  Hmmm...."Cigarette holder/She wigs me/Over her shoulder/ She digs me/ Out cattin'/That Satin Doll."

                               Miss Kitty is some Satin Doll, I am telling you!  She is trying to ensnare Nicholas, even while she is out cattin' with the other males in the neighborhood.  I love Nicholas!  He deserves better than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Nevertheless, as things progress, I will keep you posted.  This may emerge into a new column called "The Further Adventures Of Nicholas And Miss Kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    Imagine, a feline serial!  Just like Dickens did, with "Nicholas Nickelby."

                                     I love you, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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