Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ohhhhhhhhh! The Poor Jaguar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Let's call the jaguar Jasmine.  She is getting bad press, all because a woman, visiting at the Arizona zoo, wanted to take a selfie of she and Jasmine, and thought nothing of climbing in with her.

                                           Poor Jasmine had no idea what was going on, so she clawed the woman's arm, and everyone wants to blame it on the jaguar.

                                            Girls, I am with Jasmine.  That woman had no right venturing on to Jasmine's turf, and the jaguar let her know it.  She was injured, but not impaired.  The animal simply wanted to issue a warning, not a murder.

                                             I blame the woman, who was so dumb, she must be an example of what lives in Arizona.  Only the animals there have more sense.

                                               The message is Jasmine won't be put down, and I hope so.  She was merely reacting to idiocy.  This was not her fault, but the woman's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Hooray for Jasmine!  She is a sweet kitty cat, but she wants to be left alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. As Cesar Millan says, I rehabilitate the Owners, not the dogs

  2. If only I could clone the jaguar, and sic it on every idiot shooting a selfie: they should all be mauled in the name of common sense.

    News flash, nitwits. In regards to EVERY possible thing you could ever do, EVERY place you could ever visit, EVERY famous person you could bump into: thousands of brain-dead copycats LONG before you have taken a better selfie than you, and posted it to social media. Nobody is impressed by selfies anymore. NOBODY. Not your mother, not your significant other, not even your dog.

    Just stop it. Selfies have been done, to death (literally, in the case of the dingbats dangling their legs over skyscraper ledges: done 1000 times now). The abominable Kim Kardashian herself unwittingly killed selfies three years ago when she posted a pic of herself in a lunchtime bubble bath, with full bush exposed. Millions of innocent unsuspecting people opened their newsfeed that afternoon, and lost their lunch at the sight of it. Thats when the selfie fad should have died a natural death.

    But every new generation thinks the world didn't exist before they arrived, and keeps doing the same damned stupid annoying shit. Like blasting their car stereos so loud they break windows and set off alarms. What do these clowns think they're proving? Did their grandparents not tell them 1000-watt car stereos were invented in the 1980s, and EVERYONE has them now? Pretty pathetic demonstration of dick measuring, to be blasting your car in 2019. Next they'll take selfies of themselves with their hands on the volume control.



  3. Darling,
    Absolutely. That poor jaguar
    should have sued either the
    woman or the lack of zoo
    security. I have never
    taken a selfie--unless you
    count childhood vacation
    pics--but by the standards
    of what they are today--never!

    Did not know about Kim Kardashina--
    disgusting! The thought gets me

    Anyone who would climb into a
    jaguar's lair to get a selfie
    deserves what they get. She was
    lucky the jaguar let her off with
    a warning that allowed her to live!

    Sweet kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
