Friday, March 1, 2019

So Goes The Month Of March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           March has been known to come in like a lamb, sometimes, but I prefer it to enter, like a lion.  And this time, with snow on the ground, and more expected, there is no doubt we are getting the lion's share of March.  Which will make the appearance of the lamb all the more sweeter.

                                              We have our lambs, Ramsey and Ramsey, Jr., to sweeten us all year long.  They are looking forward to the end of this long, cold Winter, and herald the coming of Spring.
"Le Sacre Du Printemps," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Don't be afraid of the lion, dolls!  The Lamb will be here sooner than you know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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