Friday, March 22, 2019

The 'SVU' Episode, Aired March 14th, Was Twisted, But Contrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Let me say I do not know what is happening to 'SVU.'  They are getting lazy in the production department, and it seems like now we are getting shows every other week, rather than every week.

                                       "Missing" was aired on March 14.  Now, last night's episode, "Blackout" was aired in weekly fashion, but now the following, entitled, "Dearly Beloved," is not until April 4.

                                          Which is bad for us viewers who enjoy the show--including Baby Gojira, who gets very excited!!!!--but good for me, as a writer, who catch myself up with these shows.

                                            Here is the thing about "Missing,"--there was recently an item in the news about human remains found in a back yard in Astoria.  'SVU' ran with this, practically before it hit the media.

                                            The whole thing started with the abduction of a sweet little girl named Bailey (Violet McGraw), who was being raised by two gay daddies (Sean McDermott and Ryan Castro).  I was certain they were going to go with some homophobic nut, or group, who did not believe children should be raised by same sex parents.  Makes sense to me.  But the plot was far more disturbing and insidious.

                                              Remember Chloe Webb, from the 1986 film, "Sid And Nancy?"  My God, that was 33 years ago. She played both a tragic and evil mother named Rowan Mauer.  Rowan lived in Queens, with her husband, who was an alcoholic loser, and walked out on her.  But not before having a child, named Emerson, and, during an argument when she and hubby were at the top of the stairs, and Emerson behind him, the child managed to fall down the stairs, and break his neck.  I think both parents should have been charged with murder by negligence, and that is what they thought would happen to them.  So, Emerson is buried by Rowan, in the back yard, and forgotten.  All this happened seventeen years before Bailey's kidnapping.

                                                As time went by, Rowan mourned for her child.  She notices two children in the neighborhood, Diane Brown, 10, and her brother, Kevin.  She stalks them, thinking how awful it is the kids are not supervised by their mother, or any parent.  What she does not realize is that the mother is in no position to watch these kids, and Diane, at 10, is having to assume the adult surrogate role, because their mother is horribly dying of cancer.  On an available opportunity, when Diane is away from Kevin for a moment, Rowan abducts the six-year-old from the park, and he becomes another of the city's unsolved missing cases for 17 years.

                                                  In the present, Bailey is able to describe her kidnapper.  This leads them to Rowan's home, where they find human remains in the garden.  It turns out the real Emerson is buried in the yard, and the missing Kevin Brown has been raised all these years, by Rowan, who has him now believing he is Emerson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Yet, Emerson/Kevin has solid memories of his sister being his maternal figure, and loving him, even comforting him in bed, so he would go to sleep.  This is definitely PTSD.  He kidnaps Bailey, not out of sex--though, technically, she is age inappropriate, and this would label him a pedophile--but out of a renewal of childhood comfort, with his sister.  Bailey is not sexually assaulted, he just wants to cuddle with her.

                                                     Rowan knows all this is wrong, but goes out of her way to protect him, as she does not want to lose another child.  When she is interrogated, she snaps, "Every woman deserves a child of her own!," to which Olivia rightly retaliates, "No one has the right to take another woman's child."

                                                       The saddest moment was at the end.  It looks like Rowan loses both children, and she is off to jail.  But Diane and Kevin have a chance to reunite as siblings, of what is left of their family. But, after seventeen years of her brother missing, which she has come to accept as death, Diane cannot take the recent happenings, and walks away.  Olivia tries to leave hope that she may change her mind, but I think Diane was a cold hearted bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         The acting, especially by Chloe Webb, overcame the story's contrivances.  But that Diane Brown, what a bitch!

                                                            Soon, she will have to come to live with everlasting regret.

                                                            She will know something of the way Rowan feels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,
    You are right. Has it ever.
    The problem, in my opinion was
    when Chris Meloni left the show.
    The elevation of Mariska BHargitay
    as Olvia does not work, because she
    is not that good an actress. I miss
    Meloni. I would not miss Marsika!
