Monday, March 4, 2019

These Two Textbooks Are The Stuff Of My Nightmares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Remember my recounting of dreams where I could not find the AP English class in my high school?  That dream has evaporated, but what has come back to haunt me now is Trigonometry.

                                        These were the two Trig books used while I was in high school.

                                         It still bothers me, to this day, that I was unable to master Trig.

                                         Not that I was ever a math whiz.  But I knew my way around.  I sailed though Algebra I, and then, to my complete and utter surprise, I aced Geometry.  To this day, I do not understand how I managed this, though I have read theories that those who are talented or inclined in the arts tend to do well in Geometry.  Maybe because it is so visual?  But, so are numbers.

                                         I did fine in Trig, early on.  But once we got to logarithms--or is it algorithms????????--I was lost, and it was down hill all the way.  The teacher was not good at communicating, so those who were math oriented caught on, while those of who were not, did not.

                                           To this day, it is one of my one regrets, because, I always felt, with better teaching, I might have done better in math.  And I had an interest, to a degree, in it, early on, but, by eighth grade, it had been drained out of me.

                                             Still, I aced Geometry.  I am proud of that.

                                             Is math a matter of brain wiring!  Clearly, mine was not wired for it!!!!!!
Or was bad teaching the fault????????????????????

                                               Now, my nightmares have gone from English to Trig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               If they suddenly switch to Home Ec,  I will know I am  in "The Twilight Zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                Because I never took it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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