Friday, March 29, 2019

This Trash Bitch Makes Mama Rose Seem Like Mary Poppins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Since a lot of running around to doctors was done yesterday, by both of us, this means it is time for Belated Bitch Of The Week. And Machelle Hobson, of Arizona, is the winner.

                                       Even as a stage mother, she is some kind of failure.  Mama Rose got her daughters into vaudeville, top flight burlesque, and Broadway.  The best this piece of trash can do is.....You Tube?

                                        It seems there was a channel, and show called "Fantastic Adventures," featuring the Hobson children.  However, it is not clear if all of the children were hers.  Two of her adult sons, Ryan and Lackey, were arrested for abuse, but it was the biological daughter, an adult, who informed police of the abuse.

                                       The abuse was directed at the smaller children, who, when failing to perform, and flubbing lines, were immersed in ice baths, sprayed with pepper spray, and locked in closets for days, without food or bathroom breaks.

                                        Intolerable!  Smack this bitch across the face!  You can bet these kids will never want to set foot in show biz again,  And I don't blame them!  Not even Neely had it this bad!!!!!!!!!!!  But, as for Patty Duke and The Rosses, that is another story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          She also beat them with wire hangers, a cue taken from "The Joan Crawford Book Of Child Rearing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          Child actors have it tough. Amateurs have it worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           This bitch's show biz career is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Hopefully, the children will be taken from her.

                                            And she leaves this stinkin' jail....with NO dignity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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