Monday, March 11, 2019

Time To Welcome Another Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I see my follower indicator is at 87, so it is time to welcome that reader on here, on behalf of all my girls, and myself.  May you find enjoyment and information on here, and remember it all goes great with coffee.

                                             There will be some interesting things coming up on here, so stay tuned. And I am nowhere near done with my Marriage Column, so that has time to unravel aa well.

                                               So, welcome, Reader No.87, to the wacky world of The Raving Queen.

                                                 And here is the blog's unofficial welcoming song!

                                                 Welcome, darling, and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. One of us...One of us...
    The world is full of good people; if you can’t find one, BE one! :)


  2. Victoria,

    I agree with you wholeheartedly!
