Thursday, April 11, 2019

A Well Written, And Actually Fun, Read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  When "The Woman In Cabin 10" first appeared, on July 19, 2016, it was hailed as that year's "Girl On The Train," which had been published the year before.  Even though it stared out at me from bookstore racks and tables, I managed to avoid it till recently.  It could not possibly be that good, I thought.  But, I found myself needing a fun read, so I decided to give it a try.

                                   Ruth Ware is a fine writer, but she starts things slowly, and allows them to build.  The mystery at large turns out to be something fundamentally simple, but the fun behind it is the number of red herrings Ware is able to toss at the reader, leading them off the trail, and keeping the most astute, such as myself, guessing.

                                      I had no idea what was going on.  And when I found out the predictability of what had been occurring, I doffed my hat to Ware for throwing me off base on so many occasions.  It takes a skilled mystery writer to do that.

                                       So, "The Woman In Cabin 10" is worth a read.  And so are Ware's other books, which I fully intend to read.

                                         Sure, it may not be "The Woman In White," by Wilikie Collins, but it will hold you girls, spellbound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Make sure you read it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I went through a Mystery phase as a young teen; I remember feeling so grown-up reading Agatha Christie lol


  2. I read Agatha Christie at that age too,
    but my transition into adult fiction
    began with "The Good Earth," the works
    Of James Michener, "Exodus," "A Tree
    Grows In Brooklyn," and, of course,
    "Gone With The Wind!"
