Thursday, April 18, 2019

Bitches Are Just Crawling Out Of The Woodwork!!!!!!!!!! And Some Very High Class Woodwork, At That!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              "My! People come and go so quickly, here!"
                                                --Judy Garland as Dorothy in "The Wizard Of
                                               Oz" (1939)

                                        I had not gotten over the Notre Dame fire, yet, am still recovering from it, darlings, when I heard about Sol Pais, the eighteen-year-old, emotionally disturbed girl from Florida (and living in that state contributed to it, let me tell you!!!!!!!!) who was so obsessed with Columbine, during not only Holy Week, but the approach of the 20th Anniversary of Columbine, which is this Saturday, and was all set to name her as Bitch Of The Week.  But then, she offed herself in a suicide, before she could accomplish anything--which I believe would have been a shooting of some kind at Columbine either tomorrow or Saturday, to mark the anniversary.  Maybe the more rational part of her had a crisis of conscience.  While I do not see suicide as an answer, maybe this was a last ditch effort to save Pais not only from herself, but others from her, as well.

                                          None of this would have stopped me from naming her Bitch Of The Week.

                                           But, then, along came Marc Lamparello.

                                           This 37-year-old loser from Hasbrouck Heights, in Bergen County, New Jersey, (that he is from Jersey does NOT surprise me!!!!!!!!) was seen, last night around 8PM, parking his car along side St. Patrick's Cathedral, which faces onto Fifth Avenue, in Manhattan, carrying two gallons of gasoline, lighter fluid and lighters.  The story he gave was his car was out of gas, and he cut through the cathedral, so he could get some.  Of course, when police checked his car, it was not out of gas.

                                             The minute I heard of Notre Dame, I knew St. Patrick's should be placed on massive security watch.  But I did not think something would occur so soon.  And look what was prevented.

                                               Had St. Patrick's ever gone aflame, not only would it have devastated millions, but, being so close to other businesses, Fifth Avenue could have turned into a flaming war zone.

                                                Which is what I am sure Lamparello intended.

                                                  Forget his Boston College educated philosophy degree.  Forget he was Music Director of a Catholic church in Jersey.  As well as his previous involvement with the police.
The man is a walking repressed Catholic homosexual closet queen.  Oh, I know them all right, because I was almost turned into one by the more self-righteous members of my family; relations who view themselves as so pure and holy, but in reality are just uneducated hypocrites who have always looked down on me, and still do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They are the people I was expected to become, but refused to.

                                                     Lamparello, I am certain, lived with right wing parents, and is trying to conform to the norm, especially that of being straight.  Not that you are the greatest looking Marc, but that would not stop any straight man, no matter how plug ugly he is, because, for them, any port will  do.

                                                       I really hate these right wing Catholic closet cases!

                                                       But I hate what might have happened to St. Patrick's more.

                                                       Kudos to all who acted swiftly, and bravely!

                                                       My prayers go with you all.  Even Marc, Bitch Of The Week, though he be!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Somehow, I hadn't heard of this incident. The cops should just remand him to my custody: I'd bugger him until he does in fact see Jesus. He's a bit of a schlub, but close enough to my type that I'd close my eyes and rail him in the name of justice. Its either me, or some rando in prison.


  2. Darling,

    Believe me the randos in
    prison will have their way with him.

    You can do much better than this loser.

    And to think he was an adjunct philosophy professor
    at my alma mater, Seton Hall!

    Maybe he is someone abused by clergy when young,
    and this is his twisted way of dealing with it.

    He's not only sick, but dumb!
