Saturday, April 20, 2019

Get Out Those Easter Bonnets, Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Queens, of all types, love to dress up, and Easter is no exception.  The Easter Bonnet has been a fashion staple since long before Irving Berlin immortalized it in his song, "Easter Parade."  Of course, being gay, darlings, we have to have the gaudiest Easter bonnets out there.

                                    If I could have one  of my own, custom designed, of course, it would have a front frame, depicting the logo from David Byrd's original poster for Sondheim's "Follies."  Atop that would be a replica of the human Christmas tree, which has never been used, since, from the original, 1959 production of "Gypsy."

                                     I wish I could show you a picture, girls, but I haven't any.

                                     So, girls, let those creative juices flow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Meanwhile, here are Judy Garland and Fred Astaire to define the tradition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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