Monday, April 22, 2019

Girls, I Am Telling You, Jennifer Jones Must Be Turning Over In Her Grave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               And she has good reason to, darlings, especially when you hear what I have to tell you.

                                               To be sure, Easter went as planned.  We arose, went to an Easter service, and then returned home for the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."  I cried real tears, to be sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Then we had a lovely meal at our neighbors' house.  In spite of my having a Met Formin attack.

                                                  However, several days ago, I made a gruesome discovery, so horrible I could not reveal it, until now.  I was on one of the theater websites--Broadway World, I think--where I discovered that composer Frank Wildhorn, famous for his cultish musical "Jekyll And Hyde," and other out of left field, which hardly ran, like "The Civil War" (which I actually sat through--oh, my God!!!!!!!!!), "Dracula," "The Scarlett Pimpernel," "The Count Of Monte Cristo," and "Bonnie And Clyde," is working on a new project.  The shows in question have flopped, but three performers have gotten TONY Award Nominations out of them,  Both Robert Cuccioli and Douglas Sills were nominated as Best Actor In A Musical, for "Jekyll And Hyde," and 'Pimpernel," respectively, while Laura Osnes received one for her performance in "Bonnie And Clyde."

                                                  Now, during this tumultuous of Holy Weeks, after the Notre Dame fire, and the St. Patrick's debacle, I discover that Frank Wildhorn is working/has worked on, guess what, darlings????????????????????????

                                                   A musical version of--"The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                   I know what you must be thinking?  Are you kidding?????????

                                                   Imagine how I feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    I have trouble believing this one will get off the ground, let alone to Broadway, but in mid March there was a reading held, with Mallory Bechtel, of "Dear Evan Hansen," in the role of Bernadette, and Alison Ripley, in what I can only imagine is the Anne Revere role of Bernadette's mother, or the Gladys Cooper role of Sister Marie Therese Vazous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Already, people are saying to me, "Oh, but you HAVE to go!"  I would be doing a desecration to Bernadette and Jennifer Jones, if I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       The evening after I made this discovery, I dreamt I was walking around 50th Street and Broadway, straight across from the Winter Garden Theatre, when I saw this on the marquee--

                            Winner Of Nine Tony Awards, Including "Best Musical!"

                                                        Frank Wildhorn's

                                             "The Song Of Bernadette"

                              Oh, darlings, spare me please!  Keep this one dream from not coming true.

                               Theater queens and Broadway audiences, will never be the same!
Remember, THIS is the real thing, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  The one and only!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Metformin attack??
    Is that abdominal pain? Nausea?
    I hope you’re feeling better!!!


  2. Hi, Victoria,

    Feeling better today.
    May see if the doctor can put me
    on something else. The attacks do
    not happen often, but when they do--
    Thanks for your concern!
