Thursday, April 18, 2019

Here Is What I Looked Like The Morning After My Sleepless Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Forget Judy Garland, or Neely O'Hara, darlings, I was a wreck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Happily I am sleeping better, though our apartment seems warmer.  Or maybe it is male menopause.  Who knows?

                                   This is the worst I have ever looked.  On ordinary mornings, when I have slept, but have had no coffee yet, I look like Morgan Fairchild as the scalded bitch in 1978's "The Initiation Of Sarah."  But, believe me, what you see here is worse.  The former can be eradicated by one sip of coffee; the other takes hours of work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Hons, I don't wish this on you.  Whether you take Sominex (is that even still made?) or Vodka, I wish you all a safe and restful sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sominex is still around!
    It’s the same active ingredient as Benadryl, diphenhydramine.


  2. Victoria,

    Thanks. Had no idea it was still around.
    Because I break out in hives, I always
    have Benadryl on hand. Have no idea what
    causes them.

    For anxiety, and to help me sleep, I take
    klonopin. It helps a lot!
