Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Second Celia Countdown--Four Days To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Just four days remaining till David and I embark to the Shubert Theatre to see Celia break our hearts, as I know she will, with her technical magic.  I am also looking forward to seeing LaTanya Richard Jackson's take on Calpurnia, whom I loved in the book and film, and always wished for more of.  I think it is thrilling she is given more time here, but the real draw, darlings,  is Celia.

                                           So, company, get ready for the arrival of The Raving Queen!

                                            Maybe roll out a red carpet on Saturday!  I wouldn't mind!

                                            But, most of all, be there Celia!  We are counting on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. “Love could be labeled poison and we’d drink it anyways...”


  2. Victoria,
    I love the quote, but can't
    wait to see Celia!
