Monday, April 29, 2019

Summer's Coming Soon, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! So, Let's All Go To A Plantation Cotillion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Let me make one thing clear, dears!  I want to wear Scarlett's green dress!  You know, the one she wears to the Twelve Oaks barbecue!

                                        I know you can't show your bosom before three o' clock in the afternoon, buy that didn't stop Scarlett!  Convention would not stop me, but I say health would.  I mean, I am going to have to lather myself with sun screen, and wear some kind of shawl over my shoulders, to keep my skin healthy in the hot plantation sun.

                                         Though sipping those cool Southern drinks, taking an afternoon nap, changing for the ball in the evening--what an exciting Summer it could be, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So find a gown, make sure your crinoline is crisp, and I hope to see you at the cotillion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Tomorrow IS another day, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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