Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Latest In The Nicholas, Miss Kitty Scandal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Apparently, a lot of us in Bay Ridge were not able to sleep Friday night.  On Saturday morning, stopping in to Apple Tree Market, to say hello to Nicholas, I was told he had been naughty!  The night before, he had gone into the Paws Truly section of the store, and broken into a bag of cat nip!  How upset, Deirdre, owner of Paws Truly was going to be!  Nicholas was commissioned to write a note of apology to her, and he did, when I checked in on him, later.  And he did look a little contrite.

                              But you know what?  I have known Nicholas for some time, and he is the sweetest, quietest cat.  I have no doubt he can be wild when he wants to, but someone put him up to this.  And that someone is that scheming vixen, Miss Kitty, from across the garden way.

                                 I have no doubt Miss Kitty tempted Nicholas with her wiles.  I think she sees herself as the slinky cat walking across the entire poster of the 1962 movie--"Walk On The Wild Side."
Just look at this!  Back in 1962, I wanted to see it, because I thought it was about some giant cat menacing a community.  You know, like Val Lewton's 1943 horror classic, "The Leopard Man."  Only, years later, did I discover why my parents did not want me to see it--Barbara Stanwyck plays a lesbian madame, in a New Orleans house of prostitution.   But now, being of age, I STILL want to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, be assured, Miss Kitty is not a lesbian!  She is just some sly piece on the make, willing to lead poor Nicholas down the wrong path!

Only we won't let her, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!  I happen to love Nicholas, and I want to keep him the sweet thing he is.  I will protect him, and I want all you who may visit Apple Market, to protect Nicholas, and support him!

That Miss Kitty is just some vile temptress, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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