Thursday, April 4, 2019

There Is A Place In Hell, For These Two Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  This is Bryce McIntosh, aged 32, and his 36-year-old wife, Jillian.  They have two children, Noah, 8, and Bryce had a ten-year-old daughter.

                                    Apparently, the couple were separated.   Jillian brought Noah to his Dad's, and, this is where she earns BOTW status; she heard the man take his son into the bathroom, with the son screaming, "Why are you hurting me?"

                                       Needless to say, Noah went missing, and has not been found since.  But these two know, and one of them had better talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Jillian was charged with child cruelty, for knowingly bringing the boy into an unsafe environment.

                                         The daughter maintained Bryce abused Noah, and that, at times, she had to help.  I hate her, too, but perhaps she did so out of being abused herself.

                                         Meanwhile, leading up to the crime, which allegedly took place on March 3 and 4, Bryce had purchased four gallons of muriatic acid, a bottle of drain opener, bolt cutters, and two pairs of long cuffed gloves, from a local home depot.

                                           These two should be placed in Hell.  But, before that, LWOP in prison.

                                            And the daughter should be placed in a juvie facility.

                                            And, even if--and I mean IF--it is found they were not responsible for Noah's death; even should he turn up alive, the abuse alone still qualifies them as scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Two bitches for the price of one!

                                              The penal population is filling up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,
    Definitely. Like the song
    says they are on the "Highway
    To Hell!"
