Sunday, April 28, 2019

Time To Welcome A New Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It has been a funny week, girls!  Anticipation, leading up to yesterday's event, allergies, feeling dizzy this morning....and then the follower indicator dropped to 88 for a couple of days, came back to 89. and now I see it is at 90, which means we have a new reader.

                                  To said reader, I bid a gracious welcome on behalf of my girls, and myself.  I hope you find this blog, entertaining, humorous, and irreverent.   I try to make it that, though I do venture onto serious topics, albeit in my own way.

                                    And don't forget coffee.  It is essential to me writing this, and goes great with those who read it.

                                      So, Number 90, I bid you welcome.

                                       A welcome that would not be complete, without the blog's unofficial theme song.


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