Thursday, April 25, 2019

What Did I Tell You About These Two Scum?????????? These Degenerarte Devil Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Ever since last Thursday, when I first heard about missing five-year-old child A.J. Freund, Jr., I knew his parents were responsible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Just look at them!  REAL trash!  The kind that live in an atmosphere of filth, because they are too busy doing drugs, to raise their children, and they deliberately chose to neglect A.J. since his birth in 2015.  And, over the years, police have been summoned to the home on charges of filth, neglect, lack of electrical power, and domestic violence. Degenerate losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        There is a seven-year-old boy, but he has been wisely removed from children's services.

                                          What is clear is that these two Bitches Of The Week murdered that sweet boy in his home, then carried his body in a bag, burying it ten miles from home near Woodstock, Illinois.

                                            What is not known yet is the cause of death, or the motive.  Probably just wanted to get rid of the child.  And, eventually, the other one.  Another Alice Crimmins, though she seems classy, in comparison to this couple.

                                               Once they get to prison, the inmates will tear them apart!  I certainly hope so.

                                                Ironically, these two live, not with each other, I am sure, but in the Chicago suburb of Crystal Lake.  Which has nothing to do with Crystal Lake Camp in Blairstown, New Jersey, where Betsy Palmer as Mrs. Voorhees menaced campers in the original "Friday The 13th," back in 1980.  Can you believe that will be forty years, next year.

                                                 Of course, the Freunds killed for evil.  Mrs. Voorhees had to get back at that horn dog Barry, and slut Claudette, for having sex while Jason was drowning.  She had to protect her child, which is why we LOVE her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Such a sweet child A.J, was.  May he rest with the angels, sure to give him more love than he ever got on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless you, A.J.  May your killers be brought to justice!

And here is a song to speed you on your way--"In The Arms Of An Angel," by Sarah McLachlan!!!!!!!!!!!!

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