Thursday, May 16, 2019

And Now It Is Time For Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   This picture was taken at Hofstra University.  I knew several people who went there, and I can tell you it was not a place for dummies.  But, now, apparently, it is.  I would have expected this incident to have taken place at some Podunk dumb jock college in the Midwest, but to think it happened in the Metropolitan area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so ashamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I cannot name the actual winners, but I can state they are all male, and members of an on campus fraternity called Alpha Epsilon Pi.  It is a Jewish fraternity, and what with all the recent anti-Semitic incidents happening, we don't need this to justify anti-Semitism.  Which those who are will do.

                                    But they are wrong.  I blame it on dumb jock stupidity.  Gay college boys would NEVER do this!  Only straight men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     At a recent fraternity party, its members forced a dog, described as a form of spaniel, to drink beer!  Which can be fatal to dogs!  What's more, one of the fraternity members--perhaps the one who is shown here--owns the dog!  Whether this is he in the pic, or not, he sanctioned this?  What kind of dumb jock nut is he????????????????????

                                       His frat brothers are collectively winners of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!  But the dog's owner is awarded Grand Prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        How did these dolts get into Hofstra?  And why should it keep them?  They should be expelled, and forced to go to community college!  Which their behavior is better fit for!

                                         At least chapter activities have been shut down, and the dog has been removed from its owner, and is now in the care of the Nassau Society For Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            The fraternity members could allegedly be charged with violations ranging from animal cruelty to inappropriate university behavior.

                                              When Almira Gulch visited Dorothy, she was doing the child and Toto a disservice.  Now, she should visit these boys and scare them with her total lack of sexuality!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Scare the testosterone right out of their system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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