Thursday, May 23, 2019

Desi Guiterrez Makes One Hell Of A Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Once upon a time, a teenage girl named Lara Gutierrez, who was a tramp, had a baby out of wedlock.  She named the baby, Desi, treating her horribly, saying she had wished Desi had never been born, that she was an ugly little girl (untrue, according to the picture on top!) and abused her physically and emotionally, often locking her in a shed full of snakes, which terrified the child.  But they somehow bonded, so that the snakes, rather than harming her, came to protect Desi.  This endeared her to these creatures.

                                             Desi's story was told on the "Criminal Minds" episode, "Dust And Bone."
Desi was played by Doris Morgado, whose stunning performance makes her this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  But the real bitch was Lara, Desi's mother.

                                             Lara goes on to marry, have a successful real estate career, a perfect daughter named Tina, and blows Desi away, as though she does not exist.   Which fuels Desi's anger further.  She hates her mother, her sister, (even though, Lara, in a conciliatory gesture, gives Desi money to start a tattoo parlor) and all women whom she sees as pretty, while she is horribly disfigured.  She sets out, as a serial killer, to eradicate these pretty woman by surgery, snake bites to sedate them--she amasses quite a collection of snakes, and uses them in her activities. Which is to facially disigure her victims.  One snake is found in a victim's car.  Eventually, Desi captures Tina, whom she hates, but wants as bait, to get back at her mother, whom she really wants to do in.

                                              There is no real enactment of Desi's abusive back story, but when I heard what Lara did, I realized she was the bitch that should be tortured, not the other victims.  If the show had ended with Desi seeking her bloodlust on Bitch Mommy, I would have cheered!

                                                Instead, Desi is caught, and does suicide by cop!

                                                However, she is one of the most fascinating criminal/bitches I have seen in a long time.  I am sure she was obsessed with the 1973 film "Sssssssssss…….," where Strother Martin is a mad scientist trying to turn humans into snakes.  Heather Menzies, our beloved Louisa from "The Sound Of Music," is his daughter who freaks out, when she sees her boyfriend turning into a snake in front of her.  You have GOT to see this scene, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Desi is one of the great fictional bitches I have encountered in quite awhile.  Too bad she did not survive to witness this honor, or to be brought back on the show, for more mayhem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     You are one of the favorite bitches on here, Desi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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