Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Is My Social Status Slipping?????????? Last Night Was The Annual MET Gala, And I Was NOT Invited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I mean, just look!  Anna Wintour was there!  ANNA!!!!!!!!!!  Of course!

                                   Also, the theme of the evening was "Camp," and this should have belonged to the gay populace, because half the straights who went had no idea what the term means.

                                     Billy Porter, that Broadway nowhere, after "Kinky Boots" closed, turns up, and I don't even get a ticket????????????????

                                      If only Jackie and Lee were still alive.  They could have talked me in, and I could have escorted Lee.  With Truman Capote left, I am the only sophisticated gay in town left to escort these glamour types.  And, darlings, I am available!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, just look at this!  Pure camp!  And red is the color!

Would you believe that skanky thing Gwyneth Paltrow had the nerve to show up, after vowing, two years before, she would never go to this affair again?   That's what SHE says; the real deal is that ANNA and Company probably told her never to come back again!   And now she has the NERVE to?

Don't ask me for a pic!  I wouldn't disgrace this blog post with such a horrid thing!

Now, here is Camp Supreme, darlings!  Lady Gaga, of course!  She knows what the word means!
And where is Liza?  Or Madonna???????????

If Lee were still here, or I could have spoken to ANNA I know I could have talked my way into this event!  So, what if it was $35K a pop?  You know, I am not sure if all in attendance paid!!!!!!!!!!

First, I miss out on Lee's funeral! And now this!

I have some find some trendy restaurant spot to be seen, regularly, to get me invited to all these functions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are missing out on what would be the best part--ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Being left out of this farce is an honor, darling, not a snub.

    For years now, no one has taken it seriously as anything but a cheap promotional stunt for reality stars and third rate rap practitioners. Anna should be ashamed of what a travesty she's turned this into.

    I mean, look who WAS invited: Cardi Effing B??? Are you KIDDING me?? The useless, talentless, obnoxious ex-pole-dancer who couldn't spell the word opera, much less sit still for ten minutes of one? Or actually appreciate ANYTHING else the Met has to offer? What a joke.

    Meanwhile that moron Bill De Blasio is threatening to cut off funding for all NYC museums and cultural institutions that don't blatantly, ceaselessly pander to the rap demographic. You know, the very people that could not give an infinitesimal shit about any of that, because they dismiss it all as "white people nonsense". And Miz Wintour stands right behind him, cynically applauding the damaging hypocrisy, while praying Conde Nast doesn't go bankrupt before she pays off her last Rolls Royce.

    But, at least there was Gaga. And Katy Perry's fabulous chandelier costume, which we simply MUST have for your next soiree. And the wonderful Billy Porter, who at least got the memo the theme was "camp" and made an appropriate entrance! Half the clowns there apparently had no clue what the word "camp" means, so just came dressed in their usual hooker costumes (esp the unavoidable Kardashian Klan, who really need to give it a rest already). Kim looked like she just walked out of a tasteless 1961 Tiparillo ad in Playboy magazine, her sisters looked low-rent Vegas hookers.


  2. Well, now I feel better about MY
    social status. But, honestly, if
    you are talking about camp, it should
    have been directed to the LGBQT
    community, because if not for us, it
    would not exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And I would not be seen in the same
    room with Gwyneth Paltrow!
