Saturday, May 25, 2019

Leslie Jones Speaks Her Mind--And Not Just For Women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Nothing so pointed or funny has been seen recently, since Leslie Jones' rant on the Alabama abortion decision.  Which causes me concern in two ways--first, that women return to the "knitting needle era," which you know will happen if Roe V. Wade is overturned.

                                    And, second, if this succeeds, guess who is next?  The LGBT community!!!!!!!!  That's right!   We all had better watch out, and spit in the faces of these right wing politicos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Back to abortion--if you don't get what I mean by the "knitting needle" era, or need an education on what that time was like, the best suggestion I can offer is to watch the "1952" segment of 1996's "If These Walls Could Talk," starring Demi Moore, who does the best acting job I have ever seen her do.
Here is Demi, as Claire Donnelly, in a pivotal scene from the "1952" segment.  Take a good look, everyone!  This is what we could return to!!!!!!!!!!!  Back alleys and kitchen tables!!!!!!!

And then gays and lesbians are next!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't believe me, darlings, listen to Leslie on You Tube!

She tells it like it is, hons!

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