Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Let's Start The Day Out Right--Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This was the day, nine years ago, that David and I first met.

                                    We met, on a Saturday, after I worked, at the now unfortunately defunct Rivera Café, which, while still it stands, will always symbolize that momentous occasion.

                                      It was raining, that early evening, and I had my "Umbrellas Of Cherbourg" umbrella.  The meeting went better than I thought.  Did I know at the time?  Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       They say when you know, you know!  And here we are, nine years--almost a decade--later!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        It has been the best nine years of my life.  And I wish David and I many more!

                                        We are celebrating tonight, darlings!  Toast a glass on our behalves!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Belated congratulations!

    Can't believe I overlooked this special calendar date.

    So happy for you both!


  2. Thank you so much for the lovely wishes.
    It is a special time, and I am so happy.
