Wednesday, May 1, 2019

"Oh, Mary, We Crown Thee With Blossoms Today........"

                                  That's right, girls!  Today is the first of May, and May is the month of Mary.  I mean, Fatima happened on the 13th of this month, back in 1917.

                                    The age-old tradition of dancing around a Maypole with colored strings--does that still exist?????????--or what I remember from my childhood, Catholic school girls in white communion like dresses, carrying bouquets of flowers into the church, to place them before the statue of  May are/were often done on this day, and I hope, in some places they still are.

                                       Mary puts up with a lot, hons; she listens to all, and what she hears is often crazier than anything I could concoct on here.  And don't forget, Mother's Day is in May. I am sure it is all do to Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, happy May to everyone.  Look down and protect us, Mary, and may this month bring happiness to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I may be The Raving Queen, but Mary is Queen Of All, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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