Friday, May 17, 2019

"Que Sera, Sera," Doris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Not to overlook Peggy Lipton, or Tim Conway, but the loss of Doris Day  was the biggest of all.  She lived to 97, and may have been the only actor, save for Jennifer Jones, who went from not being a virgin, to being one, and then back again.  Those Rock Hudson comedies she made--posing the question  of how long it would take him to get her to bed, back then, now have a whole new subtext, and a whole new outlook on Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Her loss, on May 13, saddened me.  Her loss is ours.

                                      Of course, I recall her TV sitcom, but what I loved were the musicals-- "Calamity Jane," "Love Me Or Leave Me," and "The Pajama Game."  Doris' clear, resonant voice would have been fabulous on stage; it is a mystery to me, why she did not attempt it.

                                           She was no slouch at drama either, in films like Alfred Hitchcock's (Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!) 1954 "The Man Who Knew Too Much," and or the 1960 film, "Midnight Lace."

                                             But for queens of all genders and orientations, Doris excelled at music.

                                              Here I will include three of my favorite Doris renditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              "Que Sera, Sera!"
                                              "Shaking The Blues Away!"
                                              "I'm Not At All In Love!"

                                                Rest In Peace, Doris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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