Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Exhibit, Unfortunately, Did Not Live Up To The Promise Of The Poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Let's start with the most obvious---No "Sisters Of Mercy?"  Oh, my God!

                                      I have admired Leonard Cohen's work for years, and I still feel his words speak the truth.  I expected the Jewish Museum to be entirely devoted to Cohen, with artifacts such as his guitar, sheet music, or hat.

                                       David and I, plus those two, crazy kids, Dan and Norma, trekked up the Upper East Side on Cinco de Mayo--minus any Margaritas, I will have you know--in drizzling rain to see this paltry excuse for an exhibit.

                                           The audio room, on the first floor, was so packed, I had to stand for an hour, while images surrounded all four walls, telling the story of Leonard Cohen. The presentation got in "The Stranger," and "Suzanne," but no "Sisters Of Mercy!"

                                             I was dismayed to see that this, some ersatz room with microphones on the second floor, plus another sit-in room where one walks behind the screen and sees filmed images of visitors listening to Cohen's music.  To be part of this one had to wait for an hour.  Are you kidding?

                                                The third floor featured some beautiful cultural artifacts, standard and permanent, from the museum's collection.  But I wanted more on Leonard Cohen.

                                                   David and I agreed it was a disappointment.

                                                   For Cohen aficionados, it is not recommended.

                                                   And because it wasn't featured there, here it is--
                                                       Leonard Cohen, singing "Sisters Of Mercy!"


  1. Thanks for the warning: was very interested in this exhibit, but your description alerts me this is the very type of faddish "audience participation" nonsense I abhor.

    You just saved me from a tiresome and disappointing trek: instead, I think I'll just dig out my copy of the Leonard Cohen/ Jennifer Warnes "Famous Blue Raincoat" album, and chill out with a glass of wine.


  2. You are better off with that album, or
    watching M
    "McCabe And Mrs. Miller." Which has
    "Sisters Of Mercy." The whole thing
    was a disaster!
