Monday, June 24, 2019

An Open Letter To Anna Wintour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      The following was prompted by a shopping excursion done in Bay Ridge, with my David, and our neighbors, Dan and Jennifer, yesterday.  Now, first, consider the shopping took place at Century 21. When I was young, single, and first living in Bay Ridge, I could find things.  I had this gorgeous Alexander Julian blue and white striped short sleeved shirt, that was the pride of my closet, and the envy of all, who saw me wear it.  I was emotionally attached to that shirt, and did not get rid of it, until I simply could not fit into it anymore.  Which took a good twenty years, so that shirt got good usage.

                     Yesterday, there was no feast, just famine.  Hence, my appeal to someone capable of giving me a definitive answer--ANNA WINTOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Dear Anna:

                        Once upon a time there was something published called "MEN"S VOGUE."  It petered out, for whatever reason.  It is too bad, because more so today, than ever, men, whether straight or gay, need fashion guidance.

                           Speaking for myself, who is gay, I like to find something that speaks to me, where I imagine the designer cooing into my ear, "Look, what I have created just for you."  And what it takes for that to happen is something that does not occur to those regarding fashions for men--color!!!!!!!!!!

                             Color, and color, and more color!  I want my shirts, or jackets to be alive with color!  Mind you, I am not talking Billy Porter; let's say several notches below.  But on my excursion, yesterday, forget it!  The men's colors were all dark and dreary.  The entire atmosphere of the suit department was funereal; as if everyone was going to a funeral.  While in the casual corners, where I used to find things like Alexander Julian, the atmosphere was strictly "gangsta'," or Fred Flintstone garish Hawaiian 1950's style shirts.

                              Obviously, Anna, I am shopping at the wrong place.  But you are many things, and one of them I know and admire you for is being pragmatic.  I know there are ways and places I can find where I might be able to pull myself together, but where are they?  And why does not the more mainstream pay more attention to male fashion? Women get so many more fashion breaks than men, and while I love seeing a gorgeous gown or ensemble, why can't men have color and variation for themselves?

                                I wish you would talk some sense into these creators and designers about men.  I don't have your influence, but worse, I am losing, increasingly, a desire to go shopping.

                                We just lost Gloria Vanderbilt.  Must civilization stop, as well.


                                  Frustrated, Gay, Sixties-Plus (Age, not Size!) Fashionista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. OK, after this blog post I really must INSIST:

    Have David go to the on-demand cable channel and play last week's (second episode of the season) "Pose" for you. You'll LOVE it.

    First off, out of nowhere with no lead-up, Ryan Murphy suddenly cast Patti Lupone to play LEONA HELMSLEY! They don't actually name her that, but its absolutely her right down to the makeup, attitude, homophobia and two purse-sized dogs. She goes up against one of the leading trans characters, upon learning the "Dominican woman" she thought she was renting a storefront to for a nail salon is actually MTF trans. They get into quite a spirited catfight, apparently setting up a season-long subplot re Leona's real-life bigoted antics.

    Second, and perhaps of more interest to you: Elektra, the camp-tastic Amazonian breakout trans star of the show, becomes infuriated after a clash with drag ball emcee Billy Porter, and returns to the following ball as head of a new "house" dedicated to honoring Anna Wintour. As she and her crew strut and devastate with the most amazing costumes, she snarls at the crowd: "Get ready, everyone: WINTOUR is coming!"

    OK, its an obvious anachronism since Anna wasn't QUITE the icon she is now back in 1990 (when the show is set), and the line is an obvious parody of the now-cliche tagline of the uber-str8 "Game Of Thrones" (which wouldn't enter the lexicon for another 25 years). But its still outrageous and funny: it works.


  2. Darling,

    I never heard of Pose, but I must
    watch it. And Patti LuPone, as a Helmsley
    stand in? I thought no one could top
    Suzanne Pleshette, but Patti might do it.

    I will make sure David tapes it!
