Monday, June 3, 2019

Let's Start TONY Week With....Who Else, But Celia?????????????????????????

                            This is my personal favorite picture of Celia, even though she is not alone.  She looks radiant, as I believe this was taken the day of her wedding to John Ellison Conlee, back in 2010. Which was the same year I met my beloved, David, so the stars must have really been aligned, that year.

                               Who could look cuter than Celia?  Well, Mr. Ellison Conlee is pretty cute, himself, but he has something unique that makes him unquestionably eligible to wed into the Keenan-Bolger family.

                                   He has a fabulous head of hair, as do all the Keenan-Bolgers.  Bet their son, who is now four, does, too.  I have trying, for months, to find where Celia gets her hair done, but maybe I should go to another source.  Perhaps I should ask Andrew.  Hmmm...………………..

                                      But all this is by way of saying it is just six days until the TONY Awards, and I am rooting for Celia. So, apparently, is everyone else.  She just won the Drama Desk Award for her performance, and is pretty much the front runner in her category.

                                        Nevertheless, I will not rest easy, until the envelope is opened, and her name is announced on TONY night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Congratulations, Celia, as you come down the home stretch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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