Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Nothing Succeds On ID Better Than A Story Of A Deranged Lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The story of Janet Griffin, deranged lesbian, was featured last night on the ID program "Diabolical," which reminds me, so much, of the 1955 French horror thriller, "Diabolique," directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot.  This tale was worthy of the title.

                                           Now, before I get deluged with attacks for being anti-lesbian, let me say, first, I actually know some personally.  And I love the 1986 "Golden Girls" episode, "Isn't It Romantic?," where Dorothy's friend, Jean, (wonderfully played by Lois Nettleton) comes to visit the girls, and everyone is surprised Jean is a lesbian, but are OK with it.  And Blanche cannot believe that Jean would prefer Rose over her!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, I know how Blanche feels!  Were I straight, I would prefer Blanche over Rose, and if, as a gay man, some hot thing visits my place and does not prefer me, well, then, what is wrong here?

                                               Watch "The Golden Girls" segment, and see what I mean.

                                                 I don't think that it is a coincidence this was aired during Pride Month.

                                                 But Janet' story is not nearly as benign as "The Golden Girls!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                 You see, Janet lived in some enclave in Vermont, with her girl friend, Gina Coccia.  Until Gina decided Janet was too much to live with, and left for Patricia Lynn Steller in Middletown, Connecticut.  Lynn and her nephew, Ronald King, both worked at Wesleyan University, and there was this fag guy hanging around named Gordon "Butch" Fruean.

                                                  "Butch" was anything but.  I don't know what the opposite of a fag hag is, but he was it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Excuse me, he was a "hag fag!"

                                                   Well, Janet, in true Jennifer Jason Leigh/Hedra Carlson fashion, was obsessed with getting Gina back for herself, even though Gina was, clearly beans n' franks!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Janet began by ingratiating herself into the group, remaining cordial to Gina, so no hard feelings were thought, and Janet became so much a part of this group, no one thought anything of it, when she came around.  She also cased the house carefully, so she get in and out of it, easily.

                                                        But Janet was mentally unraveling, and soon she began gathering weapons, like guns, knives, and rope, and enlisting accomplices like her daughter Melody, and her friend, Emily, to drive down to Middletown.  On Emily's trip, it did not work, because, while Janet had cased the house, Lynn hand an unexpected medical appointment that day.  Janet threatened that if Emily went to the police, she would kill Emily's children.  Nice, huh?  With Melody, she had her drive far from the scene, but things did not work out that night.

                                                          On the night of November 1, 1993, with hag fag "Butch" accompanying her, things went down at the Middletown house.  The perps snuck in through the dog door--good thing they were both thin enough!!!!!!!!!!!!--and, as Lynn and her nephew came home, Janet ambushed them, dispatching nephew Ronald King quickly, but taking judicious, sadistic, vengeful pleasure in killing Lynn, her intended target in an overkill that could only be described as vengeance.  Poor Ronald was just in the wrong place at the wrong time; Janet never really intended to kill him, but felt she had no choice.  But Lynn she got good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            There is just no accounting for lesbian fury!  Which is why most of my set avoids them!

                                                             Justice prevailed.  Janet is serving a life sentence, at the York Correctional Institution in East Lyme, Connecticut, where I am sure she will run into some real Hope Emerson types, who want to have their way with her.  That "Butch" thing got a 30 year term, at, I believe the same prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will be cornholed for sure.  Good riddance to them both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am telling you, it was just like "Diabolique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And girls, especially during Pride Month, watch out for lethal lesbos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I remember Lois Nettleton from “All that Glitters”
    back in the seventies!!


  2. Victoria,
    Lois Nettleton was a gifted and
    underrated actress. I never knew
    she was on "All That Glitters"
    I just read up on the show, and
    it sounds timely for today!

  3. I bet a semi double could do a uturn in butchy boy's butthole
