Friday, June 28, 2019

Now, Isn't This Just Precious, Darlings???????????????????????

                               You  have heard me on here, about our Baby Gojira and Gojira.   Though they are not quite as tangible as Wally, The Emotional Support Alligator.  The three-year-old reptile, now 35 pounds, and 5 feet long, lives with Joie Henney of York, Pennsylvania.  Now, I don't know if Wally and Joie live with anyone else--wife, children?--but, at least, for now, it is just Joie and Wally.

                                  I have to confess this looks cute. When you see Wally interacting with Joe, with people on the street, and with children, he seems the sweetest thing.  And he may be.

                                   But Wally is still a wild animal.  And I don't think he is full grown yet.  What happens, then?

                                     Joie keeps a six gallon pool in his living room, for Wally, and has another companion in there for him, named Scrappy.  Both of them are rescue animals. Wally was rescued in 2015, outside Orlando, at 14 months.  Scrappy stays in the pool, but Wally has free run of the house.

                                      It all looks and sounds so cute.  I am all for animals giving comfort to people, and I might want to pet Wally myself, but hold and hug him?  I don't know?

                                        Joie admits Wally's affection has helped him with depression and that Wally helps others, including special needs children, who just love them.  And he loves them back, allowing himself to be pet, kissed and cuddled, which he seems to like.

                                       The question I keep asking is what is to stop Wally from one day demonstrating his predatory instincts?  I would hate to see Joie done in by Wally after all the good he has done, both for he and the community.

                                           My best to Joie and Wally.  But I will stick with my canine friends!!!!!!!!

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