Thursday, June 6, 2019

These Two Bitches Were A Killer Couple!!!!!!!!!!! But Erika Was The Worst Of The Two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This is Benjamin Adam "B.J." Sifrit, and his crime partner, Erika.  When these two came together, darlings, the results were murderous!  As soon as I heard their story, I knew I had found this week's winners of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Erika was from Podunk town in Pennsylvania (called Roaring Springs) and B.J. was from Iowa.  Would you believe Erika was an honors student and basketball star (I mean, she does look kinda butch!!!!!!!!!) at Mary Washington College?  B.J. worked his way in the Navy, making it to the Navy Seals, but was discharged for bad conduct.  Sometime around this time, they met up, and  married when they were twenty.  Thus the collusion of two personalities, and I am telling you, when this happens, the woman is always the worst of the two.  I have two words to support that--Myra Hindley.

                                 These two never attained Myra's track record, because they were fledgling serial killers.  At age 24, while vacationing in Ocean City, Maryland, they decided to become killer grifters.  I am sure it was Erika's idea, and she did most of the killing and egged B.J. on.  These straight man killers are so dumb they let a woman control them--and for what?  Pussy?  Uh-uh!  Might be razor blades, lurking in there.  I wouldn't put it past that Erika.

                                 What the Sifrits did, on May 25, 2002, was hook up socially with another couple, Joshua Ford, and Martha Crutchley.    The killers invited the couple back to their condominium at The Rainbow, on 112th Street.  After some friendly socializing, Erika enacts that Martha stole her purse, and a fight broke out.  It was all staged. The purse was not stolen.  B.J. held a gun to the couple, getting them into the bathroom, shooting Joshua four times, with Erika's gun!  Martha Crutchley was also killed, presumably by stabbing, and I am certain took every pleasure she could get out of every single stab.  What a cold, heartless bitch!  If I were B.J., I would stay away from her!

                                    These two then dismembered both bodies--again, give Erika the credit for this!!!!!!!!!!--and put in a dumpster in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware!

                                      They were arrested on May 31, 2002, but not for the murders.  They were caught robbing a Hooters.  I bet they were planning to scam and kill another couple.  When  the police got them, they found the drivers licenses of Ford and Crutchley, which sealed their fate.

                                       During trial, a woman came forward, testifying she had been subjected to the same treatment by the dangerous duo, but she managed to escape.  B.J. was convicted of second degree murder and first degree assault, in Martha Crutchley's death, but was acquitted of all charges against Joshua Ford.  He is now serving a thirty-eight year jail sentence.  He was convicted on April 9, 2003!  Good riddance!  Hopefully, he will never get out!

                                         B.J. was smart.  He filed for divorce, in March of 2010, having it granted in August of that year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Best thing he ever did, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But that Erika, the bitch!  I told you she was worse, because she got more!
On June 11, 2003, she was convicted of first degree murder against Ford, and second degree murder against Crutchley.  She got Life, plus twenty years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          See, it was all due to that bitch, Erika!  Someone should have belted her in the mouth, letting her know what was what, and maybe these people would have been spared.  As it is, her femme and butch inmates will give it to her, but good!

                                             Stay away from male and female killer couples!  The women of the two are the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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